The Switch by Lilly Samson - a psychological thriller with a shocking twist

Over coffee Sophia suggests a game to Elena where they will swap partners in secret, is this a real offer or just a strange fantasy.

Elena and Adam are delighted to find themselves housesitting in Wimbledon, a step up from their Walthamstow flat. They meet Sophia and Finn their beautiful and sophisticated neighbours who invite them into their world.

Over coffee Sophia suggests a game to Elena where they will swap partners in secret, is this a real offer or just a strange fantasy. Elena starts to experience a sexual awakening which was not part of Sophia's plans who has a very different agenda.

This book is a real page turner which keeps you guessing throughout – who is to be trusted and who is actually the most dangerous participant.

Paperback is out on January 16th

Join author Lily Samson on Riverside Breakfast with Jason Rosam, Ali Palmer and Battersea Power Station on Thursday 30th January from 9am.

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